
Italy's Accession to the e-CMR Protocol

Italy's Accession to the e-CMR Protocol

Italy has formally adhered to the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR), concerning the electronic consignment note (e-CMR). Law No. 37 of March 8, 2024, which enacts this adherence, was published in Official Gazette No. 73 on March 27, 2024.

The e-CMR, considered equivalent to the traditional paper consignment note, introduces a higher degree of transparency through the electronic transmission of information between companies. This new system ensures full data interoperability, significant management cost reductions, and greater efficiency throughout the entire logistics chain.

The electronic consignment note contains all the details of the paper version and offers additional features, such as the ability to attach documents and authenticate via electronic signature. This tool enhances the efficiency and visibility of the transportation process, allows the use of multilingual platforms for international transport, simplifies and reduces the time for data access and retrieval, facilitates inspections by authorities, and generally improves the quality of the distribution chain.

The e-CMR Protocol lists the methods for authenticating electronic consignment notes, regulates the conditions for their completion, and outlines the procedures and methods that the parties to the transport contract must agree upon to meet the requirements of the electronic consignment note.

This adherence represents a significant step towards the modernization of the transport and logistics sector in Italy, promoting innovation and efficiency in one of the most crucial supply chains for the country's economy.

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