e-CMR Italy pilot

Towards the implementation of the e-Cmr system In Italy

The e-CMR ITALIA project of Unioncamere: "Towards The Implementation Of The e-Cmr System In Italy", started in 2021 and concluded at the end of 2022, realized with the technical support of Uniontrasporti and thanks to the co-financing of the IRU (International Road Transport Union) focused on testing and promoting the use of electronic waybills for road transport to/from Italy. 

The electronic waybill can improve the efficiency of the logistics chain, reduce environmental impact and costs.  

The project focused on two main aspects: on the one hand, to assess the concrete advantages over the paper version; and on the other hand, to identify key issues for a rapid adoption in the operations of transport and logistics companies . 

Unioncamere has promoted the involvement of transport companies through the collaboration of numerous trade associations in order to structure a set of pilot projects aimed at using digital documentation in a series of international road haulage part of enterprises.

After a preparatory phase of discussion with the main stakeholders, including transport associations and companies, the project has provided for field testing to verify management aspects and identify the tools needed to promote their spread in our country.

Project macro activities

Main objectives of the project

Teaming up with stakeholders

TEAM UP by creating an effective collaboration involving all the relevant stakeholders, including MIMS, Central Committee Albo, Ministry of Interior, MiSE, Revenue Agency, customer associations, chamber system and professional associations.

Promote the use of the e-CMR

PROMOTE the use of e-CMR as an innovation and efficiency tool for all actors in the logistics chain (from sender to recipient, carrier to customs).

Experiment with the use of the e-CMR

EXPERIENCE THE USE of the e-CMR on predefined routes, for a specific period of time, with the active involvement of the trade associations and the transport companies involved.

Create the optimal conditions

CREATE THE OPTIMUM CONDITIONS to enable the Italian government to ratify the electronic waybill protocol (e-CMR) as soon as possible.

Companies involved


Companies involved




Countries involved
Actors involved


Actors involved

Project promoted by:


with the technical support of:



Confartigianato Trasporti