
e-CMR: Instructions for use


The second webinar on e-CMR aims to delve deeper into the impact on organizations following the adoption of the electronic waybill, with also a focus on regulatory aspects and controls.
The webinar is part of a training/information path, to support Italian transport, logistics and production companies.
The process that the chamber of commerce system is carrying out, as part of a project co-financed by the IRU, is particularly strategic given the entry into force of the electronic consignment note on 26 September.


Moderated and coordinated by Antonello Fontanili, Director of Uniontrasporti
  • 2:30 PM Welcome greetings by Alessandra Procesi, Head of the Business Register Office and International Agreements - Unioncamere
  • 2:40 PM e-CMR: Opportunities and Challenges, Luca Zanetta, Head of BUL and 5G Area - Uniontrasporti
  • 3:00 PM e-CMR: International Regulations, Legal Profiles, and Practical Implications, Rosa Abbate, Transport Law Specialist - PG Legal
  • 3:25 PM Change Management in the Transition to e-CMR: Organization, Operations, and Contracts, Abramo Vincenzi, CEO - Accudire Sr
  • 3:50 PM From CMR to e-CMR: New Perspectives for Road Freight Transport Inspections, Luciano Consalvi, Deputy Inspector of the State Police - Department of Public Safety – Road Police Service
  • 4:15 PM Questions and answers
  • 4:30 PM End of the work
