The international transport of goods by road is regulated by the CMR Convention (Convention des Marchandises par Route), signed in Geneva on 19 May 1956 with the main objective of harmonizing the contractual conditions for goods transported by road and facilitating the transport of goods in general.
The CMR is a paper document (consignment note) which certifies that the shipment has been taken over for the transport of goods by road when the place of loading and the place of delivery are located in two different states.
The electronic CMR (e-CMR), promoted by IRU, was introduced in 2008 through the Additional Protocol to the CMR Convention and entered into force on 5 June 2011. In addition to containing all the details of the paper waybill, it has additional features such as the ability to attach documents and photos and authentication by electronic signature.
The use of the e-CMR is in line with the objectives of optimization and efficiency of the logistics and transport sector that are the subject of the European Mobility Package, with particular reference to Regulation (EU) 2020/1056 concerning the electronic information on freight transport (eFTI), which will come into force on 21 August 2024.
MAKE A TEAM involving all the most relevant stakeholders (MIMS, Central Committee of the Register, Ministry of the Interior, MiSE, Revenue Agency, Client Associations), in addition to the chamber system and trade associations.
PROMOTE THE USE of the e-CMR as a tool of innovation and efficiency for all the players involved in the logistics chain (from the sender to the recipient, from the carrier to customs).
EXPERIENCE THE USE of the e-CMR on predefined routes, for a specific period of time, with the active involvement of the trade associations and the transport companies involved.
CREATE THE OPTIMAL CONDITIONS to reach the ratification of the protocol on the electronic waybill (e-CMR) by the Italian government as soon as possible.